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Custom tag with attributes in Jekyll

Process attributes in a tag within Jekyll

To illustrate how to process attributes in a Jekyll tag, we’ll create a tag that will include a partial file from the includes directory. Jekyll uses Liquid as the template languages. So, in order to hook into the template framework, we’ll need to extend Liquid::Tag. This is pretty straight forward as you just need to override the render method, as seen below.

 class PartialIncludeTag < Liquid::Tag
    def render(context)
       "hello we got a tag!"

And in order to use the tag within your pages you’ll need to register it with Jekyll and call it in your pages. To register see the example below.

Liquid::Template.register_tag('partialinclude', PartialIncludeTag)

This tag can be called by the following:

{{ "{% partialinclude " }}%}

Now, let’s get to the meat of why you got here. Let’s process attributes in our liquid tag. Based on the tag definition of a template definition attribute and a name attribute.

{{ "{% partialinclude template: hello_world.html, name: Hello " }}%}

The tag will evolve to process the attributes and eventually include the template passing the attributes to the template. Here is how you process the attributes in a liquid tag:

 class PartialIncludeTag < Liquid::Tag

    def initialize(tag_name, markup, tokens)
      @attributes = {}
      markup.scan(::Liquid::TagAttributes) do |key, value|
        @attributes[key] = value
      @markup = markup

 	def render(context)
       "hello we got a name: #{@attributes['name']}!"


To put it all together, we’ll need to get the source directory and concat it with the _includes directory to retrieve the template. And we’ll need to make sure we can fallback to just having the template defined without a name or template variable. The Liquid::Template.parse method will take the contents of the template and process it with the a map passed into a render method. The file will be loaded in a local method called load_template.

Below is the whole kit and caboodle of the whole tag.

 class PartialIncludeTag < Liquid::Tag

    def initialize(tag_name, markup, tokens)
      @attributes = {}
      markup.scan(::Liquid::TagAttributes) do |key, value|
        @attributes[key] = value
      @markup = markup

    def load_template(file, context)
      includes_dir = File.join(context.registers[:site].source, '_includes')

      if File.symlink?(includes_dir)
        return "Includes directory '#{includes_dir}' cannot be a symlink"

      if file !~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9_\/\.-]+$/ || file =~ /\.\// || file =~ /\/\./
        return "Include file '#{file}' contains invalid characters or sequences"

      Dir.chdir(includes_dir) do
        choices = Dir['**/*'].reject { |x| File.symlink?(x) }
        if choices.include?(file)
          source =
          "Included file '#{file}' not found in _includes directory"


    def render(context)
      template_data = @attributes
	  unless template_file = @attributes["template"]
        template_file = @markup.strip
      template = load_template(template_file, context)
      Liquid::Template.parse(template).render(template_data).gsub(/\t/, '')


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